Journal of AOAC International 2009, 92 (5): 1249-1326.
- トランス脂肪:健康影響と方法、加工食品中の量について更新
Trans Fats: Update on Health Effects, Methodology, and Levels in Processed Foods
G. Sarwar Gilani and W.M. Nimal Ratnayake
- トランス脂肪酸の摂取と健康影響:レビュー
Consumption and Health Effects of Trans Fatty Acids: A Review
Shyam Mohan Teegala et al.
- トランス脂肪酸:現在のカナダの食品中含量とカナダ人の推定摂取量
Trans Fatty Acids: Current Contents in Canadian Foods and Estimated Intake Levels for the Canadian Population
W.M. Nimal Ratnayake et al.
- 発展途上経済での食品中トランス脂肪
Levels of Trans Fats in Diets Consumed in Developing Economies
Masood Sadiq Butt and Muhammad Tauseef Sultan(パキスタン)
- 米国食品のトランス脂肪表示と含量:規制遵守のためのガスクロマトグラフィーと赤外分光法技術の評価
Trans Fat Labeling and Levels in U.S. Foods: Assessment of Gas Chromatographic and Infrared Spectroscopic Techniques for Regulatory Compliance
Magdi M. Mossoba, et al.
Streamlined Methods for the Resolution and Quantification of Fatty Acids Including Trans Fatty Acid Isomers in Food Products by Gas Chromatography
Pierre-Alain Golay et al.
- トランス及びシス標準脂肪酸のガスクロ分離と調整法のレビュー
Review of Methods for Preparation and Gas Chromatographic Separation of trans and cis Reference Fatty Acids
Pierluigi Delmonte et al