


  • は虫類の農薬暴露:英国食糧環境研究機関FERAからEFSAへの報告書

Exposure of reptiles to plant protection products. A report to EFSA CFT/EFSA/PPR/2008/01 Lot 1. FERA. The food and environment research agency. UK
19 November 2009

  • は虫類とその他の脊椎動物の化学物質の毒性影響比較:英国食糧環境研究機関FERAからEFSAへの報告書

Compared toxicity of chemicals to reptiles and other vertebrates. A report to EFSA CFT/EFSA/PPR/2008/01 Lot 2. FERA. The food and environment research agency. UK
19 November 2009

  • Enchytraeids(ヒメミミズ) と Lumbricidae(ツリミミズ)の化学物質、特に農薬への感受性比較:英国食糧環境研究機関FERAからEFSAへの報告書

Comparison between the sensitivity of Enchytraeids and Lumbricidae to chemicals, in particular plant protection products. A report to EFSA CFT/EFSA/PPR/2008/01 Lot 3. FERA. The food and environment research agency. UK
19 November 2009

  • 短期パルス状暴露後の(水棲及び陸棲)無脊椎動物における長期影響が存在するかどうかの根拠。特に農薬に焦点を絞った化学物質の環境毒性に関する文献レビュー:ExponentからEFSAへの報告書

Evidence of potential long term effects in (aquatic and terrestrial) invertebrates after short term pulsed exposure. Literature reviews on ecotoxicology of chemicals with special focus on plant protection products. CFT/EFSA/PPR/2008/01. Exponent. UK.
19 November 2009

  • 少なくとも野外又は半野外実験デザインと用量反応相関の外挿と用量増加(水棲及び陸棲)を含む農薬のリスク評価のための現行方法と考えられる高次試験アプローチの批判的比較。特に農薬に焦点を絞った化学物質の環境毒性に関する文献レビュー:ExponentからEFSAへの報告書

Critical comparison of available and potential higher tier testing approaches for the risk assessment of plant protection products, considering at least field and semi-field experimental designs, extrapolation from dose-response relationship, and increased dosages (aquatic and terrestrial). Literature reviews on ecotoxicology of chemicals with special focus on plant protection products. CFT/EFSA/PPR/2008/01. Exponent. UK.
19 November 2009

Available protocols for testing the effects of chemical against aquatic invertebrates other than Crustacea. Literature reviews on ecotoxicology of chemicals with special focus on plant protection products. Cambridge Environmental Assessments ADAS. UK
19 November 2009