SEMI-NUC project: “Prospective cohort study of residents living near the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site – feasibility assessment” 6 November 2013 IARCはSEMI-NUCプロジェクトウェ…
Chemical mixtures: challenges for research and risk assessment 10.12.2013 - 11.12.2013 フランスANSESとデンマークDTUとパリで共催 抗生…
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1019/2013 of 23 October 2013 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 as regards histamine in fishery products ヒス…
EPA Seeks Public Input on Newly Designed Graphic for Bug Repellent Labels/New graphic will help consumers make informed choices to protect their health 11/06/2013…
新しい研究はお茶が減量、心臓の健康促進、前立腺がん進行を遅らせるのに役立つかもしれないことを示す New research shows tea may help promote weight loss, improve heart health and slow progression of prostate cancer 6-Nov-2013 http://www.eureka…
前立腺がん検査に懸念 ABC Concerns raised over prostate cancer testing 7 November, 2013 オーストラリアがん評議会の研究で、多くの男性が前立腺がんと過剰診断されて必要のな…